GearHead Caramel v0.941: Like tears in the rain, time to eject.

Happy Techno Thursday! I’ve just uploaded version 0.941 of GearHead Caramel. You can get it from all the usual places- Steam,, and GitHub. The big change this time around is that enemy pilots will once again eject when their mecha becomes too damaged… or if they’re intimidated by your lance. There are also a lot of bug fixes and stability improvements. Many thanks to everyone who reported the issues and helped me to track them down!

As usual, try it out and let me know what you think.

Alcad vs DeadZone Drifter, Part 4

Alcad continues her adventure across the dead zone. Can she overcome the Pierced Freakz? Only one way to find out.

GearHead Caramel v0.932: The Sound of Mecha

Happy Mecha Wednesday! I’ve just uploaded version 0.932 of GearHead Caramel. You can get it from all the usual places- Steam,, and GitHub. The big change this time around is the addition of sound effects. I admit it- I’m one of those weirdos who usually plays games with the sound off. This has been one of the most requested features, and while there’s still a lot of work to do (movement is still silent; I may be changing some of the fx), it is here.

The other big thing is the addition of some new accessibility helpers. There’s an option to replace the colored bars in the pilot info block with numbers. Also, the configuration editor has been upgraded so that there are more things you can configure without editing the config file manually. Expect to see in-game keymap editing in the near future.

As usual, try it out and let me know what you think.

GearHead Caramel v0.931: Raid on Pirate’s Point

Today is… Technological Thursday, I guess? I’ve just made a new release of GearHead Caramel. Version 0.931 adds a brand new adventure: Raid on Pirate’s Point. The Solar Navy has decided to remove the Aegis Consulate from Pirate’s Point… and if they can get rid of the pirates at the same time, so much the better. You will join one of the factions involved in a battle for resources and territory. Strategic planning will be key to winning the war.

Please note that although this adventure is fully completeable, it may have bugs and does not have all the content it’s eventually going to have… hence the big red “Early Access” stamp on the adventure card. Still, I’ve had a lot of fun playing it myself, and player feedback can help me to make it even better. So if you encounter any problems or have ideas for things you’d like to see then please let me know.

You can get v0.931 from all the usual places- Steam,, Patreon, and GitHub.

Alcad vs DeadZone Drifter, Part Two

Alcad continues her adventure in DeadZone Drifter, and actually succeeds at two things in a row! Could her luck be changing for the better?

GearHead Caramel v0.930: So Many Mecha Under The Hood

Wonderful Mecha Wednesday to you all! Today’s update looks minor, but again, there’s been a whole lot of work done that isn’t entirely visible yet. You can get v0.930 from all the usual places- Steam,, Patreon, and GitHub.

The most visible change in v0.930 is the addition of biography and badges tabs to the character display. Ever wonder what your merit badges do? Now you can find out.

I’ve been working on a new scenario, “Raid on Pirate’s Point”. It’s going to revisit some locations and characters from GH1. It is also going to introduce a new type of adventure to the GearHead series. It’s also planned to be the first adventure that I create entirely using the scenario editor. But it’s not finished. And I realized this morning that trying to finish it today would be, as we say in Newfoundland, about as stunned as me arse.

Hopefully, “Raid on Pirate’s Point” will be finished by next week. Thanks for your continued support. As usual, try it out and let me know what you think.

Alcad vs DeadZone Drifter, Part One

After completing Winter Mocha, Alcad is back to take on Deadzone Drifter. I really like how so far, absolutely nothing has gone right for this character. But she’s still a lot of fun to play.

GearHead Caramel v0.928: More Character Development!

Happy Mecha Wednesday! I realize that it used to be Mecha Monday, but I’m going to try releasing on Wednesday as a change for a while. Today’s update is fairly minor but adds a lot of useful stuff under the hood. You can get it from all the usual places- Steam,, Patreon, and GitHub.

Version 0.928 adds a new intro scenario for DeadZone Drifter and some new enemy character development plots. On the inside, there are some bugfixes, music caching, and generalized world maps. I’m hoping to release some new scenarios in the near future and these changes lay the infrastructure for that.

As usual, try it out and let me know what you think. And if you’re playing on Steam, please consider leaving a positive review!

GHC: Alcad vs the Blitzen

For the GearHead manual, I needed a picture of a randomly generated player character so I started up the game and took a screenshot of the first character I got. Also in the manual I mentioned that beginning players shouldn’t worry too much about customizing their character; just about anyone the random generator gives you is going to be alright. Well, the truth is that Alcad is not a great mecha pilot. She was a recon pilot who quit to become a pop star and was then forced to become a pilot again when her album bombed (no pun intended). But she is a fun character to play, and that’s something worthwhile in itself. Here’s a video of me playing through Winter Mocha with this 100% random character. Spoiler: Alcad emerges semi-victorious.

GearHead Caramel v0.927: Random Plots and I18n Starts

Happy Mecha Monday! Today’s update adds two big features: random plots and the beginnings of internationalization support. You can get it from all the usual places- Steam,, Patreon, and GitHub.

Random plots are events which are not directly connected to the core story of an adventure. They may be missions, odd jobs, or just actions taken by the people in town. I have even added the classic Cookies plot, with updated advice for GearHead Caramel.

The game can now use Japanese, Korean, and Chinese text. Nothing has been translated yet but the fact this works at all is a big thing. Probably some other languages that use non-Roman glyphs work as well. Currently the only use for this is in naming your character. The planned internationalization system will use csv databases to store text and will require a grammar and a language processor for each language to be added. I’ve been developing a random Korean name generator but the results so far have been mixed.

In case you can’t read Korean, that first name is “Whiskey”.

As usual, try it out and let me know what you think.